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Here is the list of warnings that can be emitted by 10LC, along with additional details about each one.

Number Text Details
L0512 Redundant assignment of same register which will be optimized An assignment statement was encountered that assigned a register to itself. This is redundant, and no executable code was generated for that statement.
L0513 Compiled line may be too long for execution The 9010A has a limit on how long a single step can be. This limit varies between 35-47 keystrokes depending on the keystrokes used to build the expression.
L0514 The SetupPod statement was not specified A statement was encountered which requires that a Pod be specified.
L0515 The IF expression is redundant because it always evaluates to TRUE and will be optimized An If statement was encountered that will always test true so it was removed and replaced with the resulting Goto statement.
L0516 The IF expression is redundant because it always evaluates to FALSE and will be optimized An If statement was encountered that will always test false so it was removed entirely.
L0517 The INTO expression is redundant because it specifies Register E as the copy-into register and will be optimized A Read expression used an Into modifier but specified Register E as the register to copy the value into. Register E is the register that gets the value from the Read expression, so there is no need for the additional copy-into step.
L0517 The INTO expression is redundant because it specifies Register C as the copy-into register and will be optimized A ReadCtrl expression used an Into modifier but specified Register C as the register to copy the value into. Register C is the register that gets the value from the ReadCtrl expression, so there is no need for the additional copy-into step.
L0518 Program <ProgramName> contains defined label <LabelName> which was never referenced The specified program created (defined) a label called <LabelName> but this label was never referenced in any Goto statements in the program.
L0519 Program <ProgramName> contains a constant named <ConstName> which was never referenced Program <ProgramName> defined a constant called <LabelName> which was never referenced
L0520 Program <ProgramName> contains a alias named <AliasName> which was never referenced Program <ProgramName> defined an alias called <AliasName> which was never referenced
L0521 The specified signature value <sig> is greater than 0xFFFF (65535), only the 2 least significant bytes will be used A signature value was specified on a ROMTest statement, but its value exceeded 0xFFFF. Signature values are limited to 16 bits.
L0522 The specified address <address> may be out of range for the selected pod, whose address limit is <limit> An address was specified with a statement that may be too large for the address range of the selected Pod's CPU
L0523 The specified Force Line Name <name> is too long and will be shorted to <shortened> Force Line names are limited to 6 characters in length, and the specified name (<name>) was shortened to <shortened>.
L0524 The list of Force Line Names has a duplicate Name A duplicate name was specified in the list of Force Line names.
L0525 A global constant named <GlobalName> was created but was never referenced A Global Constant was created but was never used in any code.
L0526 Program <ProgramName> (<Program#>) contains no executable code The specified program does not contain any real executable code - it is nothing more than a Program statement.
L0527 Value <HexValue> (<DecimalValue>) exceeds the specified CPU's data size A value was specified in a Write statement that exceeds the word-size of the configured Pod's CPU.
L0528 An unescaped <char> character is followed by a <char> character which could not be identified as a valid Regster A special character was used in a Display or Serial statement that should have been followed by a valid Register identifier but was not.
L0529 A global Alias named <Alias> was created but was never referenced A global Alias was created but was not referenced by any Programs.
L0530 Possible recursion - Program <program> has the following possible call chain: <CallChain> A program contains a possible recursive call chain in it; the last Program in the call chain contains a call to the first Program in the call chain.
L0531 Possible Program depth limit reached - Program <name> is in a possible call chain that is <#> levels deep The specified program may be in a call chain that exceeds the maximum depth supported by the 9010A.
L0532 A global alias <name> was created for local register <reg> A global alias called <name> was created for Register 0 - 7, but since they are local (not global) Registers, this may be by accident.
warnings.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/12 10:54 by jtwine