Here is the list of warnings that can be emitted by 10LC, along with additional details about each one.
Number | Text | Details |
L0512 | Redundant assignment of same register which will be optimized | An assignment statement was encountered that assigned a register to itself. This is redundant, and no executable code was generated for that statement. |
L0513 | Compiled line may be too long for execution | The 9010A has a limit on how long a single step can be. This limit varies between 35-47 keystrokes depending on the keystrokes used to build the expression. |
L0514 | The SetupPod statement was not specified | A statement was encountered which requires that a Pod be specified. |
L0515 | The IF expression is redundant because it always evaluates to TRUE and will be optimized | An If statement was encountered that will always test true so it was removed and replaced with the resulting Goto statement. |
L0516 | The IF expression is redundant because it always evaluates to FALSE and will be optimized | An If statement was encountered that will always test false so it was removed entirely. |
L0517 | The INTO expression is redundant because it specifies Register E as the copy-into register and will be optimized | A Read expression used an Into modifier but specified Register E as the register to copy the value into. Register E is the register that gets the value from the Read expression, so there is no need for the additional copy-into step. |
L0517 | The INTO expression is redundant because it specifies Register C as the copy-into register and will be optimized | A ReadCtrl expression used an Into modifier but specified Register C as the register to copy the value into. Register C is the register that gets the value from the ReadCtrl expression, so there is no need for the additional copy-into step. |
L0518 | Program <ProgramName> contains defined label <LabelName> which was never referenced | The specified program created (defined) a label called <LabelName> but this label was never referenced in any Goto statements in the program. |
L0519 | Program <ProgramName> contains a constant named <ConstName> which was never referenced | Program <ProgramName> defined a constant called <LabelName> which was never referenced |
L0520 | Program <ProgramName> contains a alias named <AliasName> which was never referenced | Program <ProgramName> defined an alias called <AliasName> which was never referenced |
L0521 | The specified signature value <sig> is greater than 0xFFFF (65535), only the 2 least significant bytes will be used | A signature value was specified on a ROMTest statement, but its value exceeded 0xFFFF . Signature values are limited to 16 bits. |
L0522 | The specified address <address> may be out of range for the selected pod, whose address limit is <limit> | An address was specified with a statement that may be too large for the address range of the selected Pod's CPU |
L0523 | The specified Force Line Name <name> is too long and will be shorted to <shortened> | Force Line names are limited to 6 characters in length, and the specified name (<name>) was shortened to <shortened>. |
L0524 | The list of Force Line Names has a duplicate Name | A duplicate name was specified in the list of Force Line names. |
L0525 | A global constant named <GlobalName> was created but was never referenced | A Global Constant was created but was never used in any code. |
L0526 | Program <ProgramName> (<Program#>) contains no executable code | The specified program does not contain any real executable code - it is nothing more than a Program statement. |
L0527 | Value <HexValue> (<DecimalValue>) exceeds the specified CPU's data size | A value was specified in a Write statement that exceeds the word-size of the configured Pod's CPU. |
L0528 | An unescaped <char> character is followed by a <char> character which could not be identified as a valid Regster | A special character was used in a Display or Serial statement that should have been followed by a valid Register identifier but was not. |
L0529 | A global Alias named <Alias> was created but was never referenced | A global Alias was created but was not referenced by any Programs. |
L0530 | Possible recursion - Program <program> has the following possible call chain: <CallChain> | A program contains a possible recursive call chain in it; the last Program in the call chain contains a call to the first Program in the call chain. |
L0531 | Possible Program depth limit reached - Program <name> is in a possible call chain that is <#> levels deep | The specified program may be in a call chain that exceeds the maximum depth supported by the 9010A. |
L0532 | A global alias <name> was created for local register <reg> | A global alias called <name> was created for Register 0 - 7, but since they are local (not global) Registers, this may be by accident. |