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Operational Statements

Here we cover the statements that are used for creating code units and performing operations within the 9010A unit and the UUT. Usually these are the 10LC equivalents to the keypresses you would use when manually operating the 9010A interactively.


The Program statement marks the start of a callable unit of code. Programs in 10LC are normally referenced by symbolic name and are converted to numeric identifiers that the 9010A uses. A Program's numeric identifier is automatically assigned by the compiler. If necessary, you can force use of a specific program number as well.

Programs can call other programs via the Execute statement, and up to 10 nested calls are supported. Note that recursion is not supported at any call level.

The syntax of the Program statement is: Program <name>; or Program <name> <number>;

Program MyProgramName;
Program OtherProgram 42;

Programs can be referenced by other programs before they are actually created. During the final phases of compilation, a check is performed that ensures that all referenced programs have actually been compiled.

Programs are “closed” by the EndProgram statement.


The EndProgram statement marks the end of a callable unit of code.



The Execute statement allows one program to call another as a subroutine. When this happens, the state of Registers 0 through 7 are saved and later restored when the called program exits. Any changes made to those registers by the called program are lost when the called program returns. Those registers are also set to zero before the called program starts execution. These registers are called local registers, because their values are local to the program being executed.

Registers 8 through F are not saved and restored - they are passed to the called program intact and any changes made to them by the called program remains intact when the called program returns. This allows those registers to be used to pass information to and from other called programs. These registers are called global registers, because their values are global to all programs being executed.

The syntax of the Execute statement is: Execute <name>; or Execute <number>;

Execute OtherProgram
Execute 42

Note that programs are not allowed to call themselves either recursively nor reentrantly. This means a program cannot call itself, and called programs cannot call into a program that is already in their history (or call stack). For example, if Program 1 calls Program 2, Program 2 cannot call Program 1. If Program 2 calls Program 3, Program 3 cannot call Program 1 or Program 2.

If you create a program that is never referenced by any other program, a warning is issued. This can be benign if the program in question is your main program, or the first program that will be getting called. This warning can be suppressed by using a compiler directive that indicates that no warning should be issued.


A label is a point in a program that can be referenced by a Goto statement. When used with an If test, if the test expression evaluates to true, the Goto is executed the code jumps to the specified label. A program can have up to 16 labels (internally numbered 0x0 through 0xF).

Labels are created in a program by placing a colon followed by the label name. For example:


Note that there is no space between the colon and the label name, and a label is not terminated with a semicolon.

If you create a label but never reference it from a Goto statement, a warning is emitted. If you reference a label but never actually create it, an error is emitted.


The Display statement is the most basic operational statement on the 9010A. It is used to provide audio and visual feedback on the 9010A's display and is also used to receive user input.

The following characters are supported for the Display statement:

<space> A-Z 0-9
_ ; @
= < >
, . ?
# + -
' %
* / \

(Lowercase characters are allowed by 10LC but will be converted to uppercase.)

The following characters have special functions in a Display statement:

# Causes the 9010A to beep
$ When followed by a register identifier causes the value of the register to be displayed in hexadecimal
@ When followed by a register identifier causes the value of the register to be displayed in decimal
/ When followed by a register identifier causes the 9010A to pause and await user input of a hexadecimal value and store it in the specified register
\ When followed by a register identifier causes the 9010A to pause and await user input of a decimal value and store it in the specified register
? When followed by a register identifier causes the 9010A to pause, display a question mark and await the user pressing either the <Enter/Yes> or the <Clear/No> keys and will place 1 or a 0 into the specified register corresponding to which key was pressed
% When followed by a register identifier causes the 9010A to enable or disable asynchronous input and if enabled will store received input into the specified register
+ When the first character in the string, it causes the remaining string to be appended to any data currently being displayed

To display a special character normally, double it. The number of printable characters is limited to 32, which is the number of characters the 9010A's display can show without scrolling. A trailing space in the display string is handled correctly by 10LC - you do not have to manually place an underscore for a trailing space to work correctly, like you would need to with 9LC.

This statement supports single character Register identifiers (0-9 and A-F), proper Register names (e.g. REG4), and register Aliases. Support for register aliases is preliminary and although it works in my tests, there may be the occasional snag.

The syntax of the statement is: Display "<string>";

Alias UseLongRAMTestFlag = Reg8;
Display "# - Hello World - ";
Display "Place you name, $$ I got";
Display "Are you OK?A";
Display "Are you Sure?Reg4";
Display "Use Long RAM Tests?UseLongRAMTestFlag";

Note: The only catch is that currently in 10LC a register identifier must terminated by a space or the end of the display string. For example:

Display "RegA is $A@RegA";       // This Will Not Work
Display "RegA is $ACurrently";   // This Will Not Work
Display "RegA is $A @RegA";      // This Will Work
Display "RegA is $A Currently";  // This Will Work


The Read statement is used to read from a memory location and optionally copy the read value into another register. The first form of the Read statement is the basic read memory operation that stores the result into Register E (REGE). This is equivalent to the standard READ statement in 9LC.

The second form is the Read Into form and is used to perform a read from memory and then immediately copy the read value from REGE to whatever other register you like.

The syntax of the READ statement is: Read From <address>; or Read From <address> Into <register>;

Read From 0x200;
Read From 0x200 Into RegB;
Read From 0x201 Into MemLocation1;   // MemLocation1 Is An Alias For REG4

Note that if you use the Read Into form and specify Register E as the destination, the copy portion will be optimized away and a warning will be emitted. Also, the Into functionality is accomplished by having the compiler insert a register to register copy immediately after the read operation completes. For example,

Read From 0x200 Into RegB;

Compiles into the equivalent of:

Read From 0x200;
RegB = RegE;


The ReadStatus statement is used to read status values from the UUT's CPU status lines and place that information into Register C (REGC) value into another register. The first form of the Read statement is the basic read memory operation that stores the result into Register E (REGE). This is equivalent to the standard READ STS statement in 9LC.

Like the Read statement, a second form is supported using the Into modifier and will perform a status read operation and then immediately copy the read value from REGC to whatever other register you like.

The syntax of the ReadStatus statement is: ReadStatus; or ReadStatus Into <register>;

ReadStatus Into RegB;
ReadStatus Into MemLocation1;   // MemLocation1 Is An Alias For REG4

Note that if you use the ReadStatus Into form and specify Register C as the destination, the copy portion will be optimized away and a warning will be emitted.


The Write statement is used to write data to a memory location. This is equivalent to the standard WRITE statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Write statement is: Write @ <address> = <value>;.

Write @ 0x100 = 0x22;      
Write @ 1024 = Value2;

A warning will be emitted if you write a directly specified or constant value that exceeds the word-size of the configured Pod's CPU. For example, if you have the Z80 Pod configured and the following code is compiled:

Write @ 3200 = 0x220;      

A warning will be emitted because the value 0x220 exceeds the maximum value of an 8-bit word (0xFF or 255).


The WriteEx allows you to set a starting place in memory followed by a list of values. 10LC will automatically unroll this WriteEx statement into multiple Write statements, automatically incrementing the address as it goes. Numeric values, Aliases and Registers can all be used.

The syntax of the WriteEx statement is: WriteEx @ <address> = <value>, [<Value>…];.

Alias ThisIsAnAlias = Reg8;
WriteEx @ 0x1000 = 1 2 4 0x10 0x20 0x40 ThisIsAnAlias Reg4;

The above code will compile into the equivalent of the following discrete Write statements:

Write @ 1000 = 1;
Write @ 1001 = 2;
Write @ 1002 = 4;
Write @ 1003 = 0x10;
Write @ 1004 = 0x20;
Write @ 1005 = 0x40;
Write @ 1006 = Reg8     // The Value Of ThisIsAnAlias
Write @ 1007 = Reg4;


The WriteCtrl statement is used to set control lines to a specific value. This is equivalent to the standard WRITE CTL statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the WriteCtrl statement is: WriteCtrl <value>;

WriteCtrl 11000100;
WriteCtrl 0x3F;
WriteCtrl Reg5;


The Learn statement is used to cause the 9010A to start the Learn operation on an address range of the UUT. This is equivalent to the LEARN statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Learn statement is: Learn or Learn From <address> To <address>;.

Learn From Value To Value2;
Learn From 4096 To 0x1FFF;

If you use the default version of the Learn statement, the default learn range will be the address range of the specified Pod (see SetupPod) or the Pod that is connected at runtime.


The AutoTest statement performs a sequence of tests on the UUT. If your 9010A's firmware version is less than 2C, the test sequence is:

  1. Bus Test
  2. ROM Test
  3. Short RAM Test
  4. IO Test

But if the version is 2C or later, the sequence is:

  1. Bus Test
  2. Short RAM Test
  3. ROM Test
  4. IO Test

This is equivalent to the AUTO TEST statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the AutoTest statement is: AutoTest;



The BusTest statement performs the Bus Test on the UUT, using the address indicated by the specified Pod (see SetupPod) or the Pod that is connected at runtime. This address is also specified by the SetupBusTestAddress statement:

This is equivalent to the BUS TEST statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the BusTest statement is: BusTest;



The LongRAMTest statement is used to perform a more extensive RAM test than the ShortRAMTest statement. In addition to the same tests performed by ShortRAMTest it also performs pattern-sensitivity tests.

This is equivalent to the RAM LONG statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the LongRAMTest statement is: LongRAMTest From <start> To <end>; The address range can be omitted if RAM areas have been configured in the address map.

LongRAMTest From 0x1000 To 0x1400;


The ShortRAMTest statement is used to perform basic RAM tests that can help identify hardware problems with RAM as well as uncover stuck bits and decoding errors.

This is equivalent to the RAM SHORT statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the ShortRAMTest statement is: ShortRAMTestFrom <start> To <end>; The address range can be omitted if RAM areas have been configured in the address map.

ShortRAMTest From 0x0A00 To 0x1A00;


The ROMTest statement is used to confirm that a specified address range is readable and also calculates a signature value based on the data contained in that range. It can also be used to compare the calculated checksum against a known value.

This is equivalent to the ROM TEST statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the ROMTest statement is: ROMTest From <start> To <end> CSum <checksum>; The address and range can be omitted if ROM areas have been configured in the address map. The checksum can also be omitted to inhibit the checksum verification.

ROMTest From 0x2000 To 0x2400 CSum 0xF1C3;
ROMTest From 0x2000 To 0x2400;


The IOTest statement is used to test read/write bits in I/O areas/registers.

This is equivalent to the IO TEST statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the IOTest statement is: IOTestFrom <start> To <end> Bits <bitmask>; The address and range can be omitted if I/O areas have been configured in the address map.

IOTest From 0x3000 To 0x3004 Bits 0x28;


The Ramp statement performs a sequence of write operations at the specific location. The first write is 0x00 (all bits set to zero) and successive writes are made after incrementing this value until all bits are set to one. For example, on an 8-bit architecture, the range of values would be 0x00 to 0xFF.

This is equivalent to the RAMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the RAMP statement is: RAMP @ <address>;

RAMP @ 0x4242;


The Walk statement performs a sequence of write operations at the specific location, but instead of incrementing a value, it rotates the bits of the value. The first write is the specified value and then the bits in the value are rotated once and the write is repeated. This repeats until all bits have been rotated through all possible positions.

This is equivalent to the WALK statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the WALK statement is: WALK @ <address> <value>;

WALK @ 0x4242 0xA5;


The ToggleAddress statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;



The ToggleData statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;



The ToggleCtrl statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;



The Stop statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;



The RunUUT statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;


Register Modification Operations

Registers can be modified values via standard assignment statements, or via unary operators.

The Template statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;



The Template statement is…

This is equivalent to the TEMP statement in 9LC.

The syntax of the Template statement is: Template;

operational_statements.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/02 23:22 by jtwine