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examples [2020/02/15 09:18]
examples [2020/02/21 09:23] (current)
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 ===== Hello World! ===== ===== Hello World! =====
-Well, no introduction to any programming language would be complete without the traditional and ubiquitous **Hello World!** example. ​ So, here 'ya go!+Well, no introduction to any programming ​(or scripting) ​language would be complete without the traditional and ubiquitous **Hello World!** example.  The basic unit of code in 10LC is called a **Program**. ​ You can have multiple programs in a single file, if you wish.  Programs are //opened// via the ''​Program''​ statement, and //closed// with the ''​EndProgram''​ statement.  So, here 'ya go!  First
-<​code>​+<​code ​c>
 Program HelloWorld; Program HelloWorld;
     Display "# - Hello World - ";     Display "# - Hello World - ";
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 The above program, when compiled and executed on the 9010A, will emit a beep and display ''​- HELLO WORLD - ''​. ​ Note the trailing space - 10LC performs automatic conversion of trailing spaces (in display strings) to underscore characters so that they display correctly on the 9010A'​s display. ​ Also, just like in 9LC, the pound/hash sign (''#''​) is used with the display to cause the 9010A unit to beep. The above program, when compiled and executed on the 9010A, will emit a beep and display ''​- HELLO WORLD - ''​. ​ Note the trailing space - 10LC performs automatic conversion of trailing spaces (in display strings) to underscore characters so that they display correctly on the 9010A'​s display. ​ Also, just like in 9LC, the pound/hash sign (''#''​) is used with the display to cause the 9010A unit to beep.
 +==== Basic Loops ====
 +Loops in 10LC are constructed using Labels, ''​Goto''​ statements, and ''​If''​ statements. ​ For example, here is the implementation of a simple delay loop:
 +<code c>
 +:​Delay ​                          // Delay Routine, Register F Contains The Delay Value
 +    --RegF; ​                     // Decrement Delay Counter
 +    If RegF > 0 Goto Delay; ​     // If Greater Than Zero, Go Back To Start Of Loop
 +// End
examples.1581779910.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/02/15 09:18 by adminz