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Here is the list of errors that can be emitted by 10LC, along with additional details about each one.

Parser Errors

All parser error numbers start with a “P”. This list is not exhaustive, and since different parser error codes may be emitted with the same underlying error message, this list will only list the messages.

Text Details
Byte values must be between 0x00000000 and 0x000000FF (0 and 255) An value was specified that was expected to be within the range of a byte, but exceeded that range.
Syntax error, expected: ; The line in question or the line above it is missing the statement terminator, which is a semicolon, or an invalid character was present in a label or program name.
Syntax error, expected: DisplayString The Display statement expects a quoted string but something else was provided instead.
Strings used in Display and Serial statements cannot be longer than 32 printed characters The Display and Serial statements in 10LC limit the string to 32 printed characters.
Invalid character: ' " ' If this error is shown at the start of the quoted string for a Display or Serial statement, it actually means the quoted string contains at least one unsupported character.
Syntax error, expected: RegName, Symbol, IntegerValue, Not, And, Or, ShiftL, ShiftR, Increment, Decrement, Goto This usually means that an unexpected comparison operator or symbol was encountered in an If expression.
Syntax error, expected: SetupBeep, SetupInteractiveErrors, SetupEnableFL, SetupLineSize, SetupNewline, SetupPod, SetupXOn, SetupXOff, SetupPodTimeout, SetupTraps, Program, Read, Write, WriteCtrl, Learn, Alias, Const, Global, RegName, Symbol, Increment, Decrement, Execute, SetupMemMap, Display, AutoTest, BusTest, LongRAMTest, ShortRAMTest, ROMTest, IOTest, Not, Ramp, Walk, ToggleAddress, ReadProbe, ReadTape, WriteTape, ToggleData, ToggleCtrl, ReadStatus, Stop, RunUUT, LabelMarker, Goto, If, Sync, Setup, Delay, Fill, FillRamp, Serial, ShiftL, ShiftR, CompilerDirective, Equals, AndEquals, OrEquals, ShiftLEquals, ShiftREquals This is a long error saying that you simply doubled a semicolon somewhere or used a keyword/statement that does not exist in 10LC.
Syntax error, expected: Repeat, Loop, ;, Into A statement has an unsupported value in it.

Compiler Errors

Error Text Details
L1525 : The specified program number is out of range - it must be between 0 and 99 Program Numbers have a range of 0 to 99 and one was specified that was outside of that valid range.
errors.1581957140.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/17 10:32 by adminz