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This page covers the statements/operations implemented in 10LC as well as the syntax for their usage.

10LC Statements

Statements in 10LC are almost always terminated by a semicolon and whitespace is largely ignored. As far as 10LC is concerned, these lines:

Const JoystickUp = 0x01;
Read From 100;
Read From JoystickUp;

And this line:

Const JoystickUp=0x01; Read    From     100;              Read From JoystickUp;

Are all the same and will compile identically.

The only exception is a Label, which does not end with a semicolon and no space is allowed between the colon and the label name:

: ThisIsInvalidCode;

One notable difference between 9LC and 10LC is that 10LC is generally more verbose and does not currently support the shortened names that 9LC supports. You will also find that some 9LC statements, like WRITE CTL have their own long-form statement in 10LC: WriteCtrl.

Additionally, delimiters in statements may not be omitted. For example, the 9LC WRITE statement is WRITE @ 1234 = AB and could be shortened to WRITE 1234 = AB. 10LC's statement syntax is more rigid. The WRITE statement in 10LC is WRITE @ 0x100 = 0x22; and cannot be shortened, nor can any parts of it be omitted.

Setup Statements

First we start with the statements that are used for configuring the unit and the compile environment.


The SetupPod statement configures both the 9010A and the compile environment, and sets the default values for some of the other Setup* statements like SetupBusTestAddress, SetupRunUUTAddress and the names of Forcing Lines.

Unlike with 9LC, information on the standard Pods is stored within the compiler and no additional external files are needed. If you use the SetupPod statement, it must be the first statement in a source file.

The following Pods are supported directly by 10LC:

  • 6502
  • 6800
  • 6802
  • 6809
  • 6809E
  • 8041
  • 8048
  • 8080
  • 8085
  • 8086
  • 8086M
  • 8088
  • 8088M
  • 9900
  • 68000
  • Z80
  • Z8000

The syntax of the statement is as follows: SetupPod <PodName>;

SetupPod Z80

If you need to create your own Pod configuration/environment, you can use the Setup* statements directly.


This statement enables or disables traps associated with UUT errors. This statement can be specified multiple times, and you can specify multiple traps within a single statement.

The syntax of the statement is as follows: SetupTraps <TrapName> [<TrapName>…] Yes|No;

SetupTraps DataError No;
SetupTraps ActiveInterrupt DataError No;
SetupTraps BadPowerSupply ActiveInterrupt ActiveForceLine Yes;


This statement enables or disables Pod-specific forcing lines associated with a CPU. You can specify forcing lines but their bit value, or by their string identifiers. Like with the SetupTraps statement, this statement can be specified multiple times, and you can specify multiple forcing lines within a single statement.

The following Forcing Line names are supported directly by 10LC (but may not apply to the currently configured Pod!)

  • brack
  • busreq
  • dbe
  • dma
  • halt
  • hold
  • intr
  • mr
  • ready
  • rqgt0
  • rqgt1
  • tsc
  • wait

The syntax of the statement is as follows: SetupEnableFL <ForcingLineName|ForcingLineBit> [<ForcingLineName|ForcingLineBit>…] Yes|No;

SetupEnableFL 0x01 Yes;
SetupEnableFL 0x02 Ready No;
SetupEnableFL  BrAck  0x05  Yes;

If you use symbolic names for the forcing lines, they will be checked against the configured Pod, and if no Pod has been configured, an error will be emitted. If you use the numeric bit value, it is not checked and can be used with no Pod configured. The names/numbers of forcing lines are shown on the front of the Pod. Note that the names may differ slightly, so you will have to find the corresponding name in the list above.


This statement sets whether the 9010A unit emits a beep on an error transition. This is equivalent to the BEEP statement in 9LC.

SetupBeep Yes;


This statement sets whether the 9010A pauses execution, displays an error message, and asks the user if they want to loop the last operation whenever an error is encountered. This is equivalent to the EXERCISE ERRORS statement in 9LC.

SetupInteractiveErrors Yes;


This statement configures the default address used when a Bus Test is performed. This value defaults to 0x0000 but may be changed when a Pod is specified via the SetupPod statement.

SetupBusTestAddress 0xFFF0;


This statement configures the default address used when the Run UUT operation is performed. This value defaults to 0x0000 but may be changed when a Pod is specified via the SetupPod statement.

SetupRunUUTAddress 0xFFFE;


This statement configures the serial XOn character used to pause transmission of serial data. This is called the “STALL” character in 9LC and it defaults to <CONTROL+S> (0x13).

SetupXon 0x70;


This statement configures the serial XOff character used to resume transmission of paused serial data. This is called the “UNSTALL” character in 9LC, and it defaults to <CONTROL+Q> (0x11).

SetupXOff 0x72;


This configures the serial line length used when transmitting serial data. This is an important setting when sending/receiving hex data from the 9010A unit as longer lines lessen the effectiveness of the per-line checksum.

The 10LC compiler also uses this setting to determine the length of hex lines when it generates its output hex file. It has a range of 10-255. If not specified, the default value is 79. This is equivalent to the LINESIZE statement in 9LC.

SetupLinesize 70;


This configures the amount of time the 9010A should wait for a connected Pod to respond to a requested operation. As of right now, there is no description for how long a single count is.serial line length used when transmitting serial data. This is an important setting when sending/receiving hex data from the 9010A unit as longer lines lessen the effectiveness of the per-line checksum.

It has a range of 6-60000. If not specified, the default value is 200. This is equivalent to the TIMEOUT statement in 9LC.

SetupPodtimeout 100;


This configures both the character combination used to represent newlines on the serial interface as well as a configurable delay time between successive lines being transmitted. The value used with this statement is a 32-bit hexadecimal value.

The first two digits represent a delay count between transmitting successive lines. Each count is ~6ms per count on firmware version 2C or later, or ~2.4ms per count on versions earlier than 2C. The last six characters are the hexadecimal character combination that should be sent to indicate a newline. A zero value indicates no character is to be sent.If not specified, the default value is 0x00, 0x000D0A (0x00000D0A). This is equivalent to the NEWLINE statement in 9LC.

SetupNewline Delay 0x20 Chars 0x000D0A;





SetupMemMap RAM From 0x0000 To 0x0FFF; 
SetupMemMap ROM From 0x1000 To 0x18FF SIG  0xAA55; 
SetupMemMap ROM From 0x1900 To 0x1FFF SIG  0x12345; 
SetupMemMap IO  From 0x2000 To 0x28FF MASK 1122334455; 
SetupMemMap IO  From 0x2900 To 0x2FFF MASK 0; 

Operational Statements

Now we cover the statements that are used for performing operations within unit and the UUT. Basically these are the 10LC equivalents to the keypresses you would use when manually operating the 9010A interactively.


documentation.1581724297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/14 17:51 by adminz